Mandy Carpenter No Comments


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a benchmark test used by companies to measure a client’s overall satisfaction with your brand, and their willingness to recommend your services or products to others. It consists of a single question with a rating scale of 0 -10 (0 being completely dissatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied).

Customers are classified into 3 categories based on the rating that they have given:


Previously, a rating system of 5 stars (1 = dissatisfied, 5 = extremely satisfied) was used by clients to rate our service. While this rating is a good measurement of client satisfaction, it is not an ideal way of scientifically measuring the output. This rating system has been changed to incorporate the NPS rating structure.

To enable customer ratings in HeroTill, go to the Sales Setup Menu (Sales->Sales Settings->Sales setup). You’ll see the following screen:

  • Set “Allow customers to rate our service in their portal” to YES
  • Set “Auto Create Ticket on Rating” and set it to YES
  • Set a ratings threshold
  • Click on Update when you are done.

This is what it now looks like on the customer’s side:

All submitted ratings are viewable under the Sales Leads, Ratings Menu (Sales->Sales Leads->Ratings).

On this screen all new ratings wait in a queue to be acknowledged. From there a ticket can be generated for further attention, if one was not already auto created by the threshold score.

And that’s it! Your guide to NPS in HeroTill. If you have any queries, questions or feedback, please send us a mail at