New Features 
- Users can now upload multiple Compliance related documents.
- Users can now permanently delete Compliance related documents.
- When viewing or downloading an attachment for Compliance Documents, it will be opened in a new browsing tab.
- A time and date stamp has been added per document to Compliance related uploads.
- Read more on the Compliance Module here.
- Users can now upload PDF documents for Highsites.
- Added Radius Session Diagnostics Screen to troubleshoot radius sessions that have issues. Read More.
- When merging customers their respective Compliance Documents will also merge successfully.
- All PDF sizes can now be uploaded.
- Developer related and not end user related – Added migration support for PHP 5.3.
- When adding a NAS IP Address any blank spaces will now automatically be trimmed when saving changes.
- Consolidated Suspension and Cancellation approval menus to Accounts Workflow.
- Added customer payment method to the Suspensions table.
- Added Labels and Note field to the Suspension tab on the Customer edit popup screen.
- Added Labels and Note columns to the Suspensions table.
- Read the full blog here for all the improvements to the Suspension and Cancellation Module.
- Improvements to the HeroTill System Licence expiry.
- The correct thumbnail has been added to the Customer Attachment interface.
- Users may no longer add Mailbox Processing Rules with invalid matches. Read more.
- When adding a NAS IP Address any blank spaces will now automatically be trimmed when saving changes.
- Customer Suspension enable and disable settings save correctly now.
- The visibility of Compliance Documents is now dependant on the Compliance Debugging setting and no longer the Sales Lead setting.
- A Cron has been added for the Commission Calculation on Recurring and Non-Recurring Invoices.