New Features 
- Exciting new features coming soon… be on the lookout for version 1.3.05!
Version Updates
- A popup has been added to show releases notes on version releases.
- This popup will appear for every admin user the next time they load a page after the system has been updated.
- Once the user clicks “OK” the system will remember their acknowledgement of the release notes and will not show the popup again (until the next upgrade).
Contract Improvements
- The Customer Contract has been reorganized to have less unused space in between pages. Each section is grouped together on the relevant pages as opposed to running over into the next section.
- Text and headers have been resized to fit the page.
- Debit order mandate is now on one page only.
- Lines have been added to the Internet Service Application page to make filling in the document easier.
Quotes and Online Applications
- Users can now link a specific quote document template to the Online Application process. A public unique link that will be available to share/copy and paste.
Speed Test
- The blog has been updated regarding how the speed test functionality works. Read more.
- On the Radius Nas List menu, two new fields have been added to indicate whether a NAS has also been added as a network device.
Data Protection
- The email text for the Subject Access Request for Data has been amended with new wording.
- The Audit Trail for Radius User Accounts has been updated to include logs when a radius cancellation is reset, unblocked, cancellation date cleared and when the Auth Type has been rejected.
- On the Accounts Workflow menu the Show/Hide Columns have been updated to include columns for when a Radius account has been blocked and Auth Type is rejected.
- On the Radius List of Users the Show/Hide Columns have also been updated to include columns for when a Radius account has been blocked and Auth Type is rejected.
- Read the blog here.
- The grammar has been corrected on the confirmation popup when attempting to delete a customer.
- The styling and sentence construction have been improved for the Refer A Friend popup and email text sent to potential new customers.
- Users can now choose to display the Radius Packages either by their Product Code, Product Title or a combination of both.
Mobile App 
- The IOS and Android version 1.1.1 update is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store respectively.
- The Settings tab has now been renamed to “More”. It is the last tab on the menu list at the top.
- The Top Up section has now been moved to the “More” tab.
- Under the Usage Tab users can now see Package details and a Top Up shortcut button has also been added here.
- The previous Top Up tab has now been changed to “Messages”. This tab will display all push notifications received. These push notifications are context aware meaning that when the user clicks on the message, the user will be redirected to the relevant feature in the app. For example a push notification is received regarding an update on a helpdesk ticket > user clicks on the message and is redirected to the relevant helpdesk ticket to see the update.
- Usage notifications, top up notifications and general notifications will appear under this “Messages” tab. Over time these messages will be removed/disappear from the list. The user cannot manually delete them.
- Users can now enable two factor authentication on the login.
- The About App section under the “More” tab now contains the User Guide, HeroTill Website shortcut and the Privacy Policy.
- Read the full blog here.
Bug Fixes 
Data Protection
- When a user has read only access to the Subject Access Request functionality, the bug has been fixed where clicking Send Message did not respond.
Suspensions & Cancellations
- All instances of the words “Expiry/Expired/ Expiration” have been renamed to “Cancel/Cancelled/Cancellation” within the customer portal and emails sent to customers.
- The Email Notification setting for Cancellations and Suspensions has now been split into two separate settings. Read the blog here.
- When attempting to set same day cancellations, the validation text has been corrected to state that this action cannot be processed. A future date is required to complete the action.
- On the customer portal when navigating via the email link to approve a cancellation request – the issue where the reason dropdown could not be accessed has been fixed.
Mailbox Scrapers
- The Mailbox rules regarding matching will now override the settings on the Mailbox Scraper Setup.
Refer A Friend
- A cron job has been added to correctly issue credit notes for the referrer and the referee.
Top Ups and Pre-Paid Vouchers
- Top Ups added via the customer portal should no longer pend the submission. The action will now process to completion.
- Pre-Paid Vouchers no longer fail with an error. The action will now process to completion.