Bug Fixes
- The Quantity field on Quotes, Invoices, Job Cards and Credit Notes has been fixed to no longer limit the amount to 999.99. Users can now enter Quantity amounts exceeding 999.99.
- Invoices and Quotes that are cloned will now default to the current date enabled VAT type, i.e 15% VAT.
- When importing Invoices the VAT type will no longer be overridden from the Excel source. It will be imported as is from the import file.
- The billing run confirmation pop-up has been updated. The user is made aware of all the items within the specified date range, that will be included in the billing run. Read the blog here.
- The Toggle buttons on the Sales Setup menu have been aligned to have consistency throughout the page. These buttons have been updated to only reflect Yes/No and not a combination of On/Off – Yes/No.
New Features
- A widget has been added on the Customer Details page to view referral balances accumalated from the Refer a Friend promotion.
- The updated cron that generates the credit notes for the customer referrer party also updates this widget balance.
- When an invoice is processed against the customer who is the referrer party – if they have a credit balance available then the cron job will automatically process a credit note AND the customer’s premiums will be paid from their credit balance (earned from the Refer a Friend promotion).
- Users can now set a zero discount amount to be used on the Refer a Friend promotion. No credit notes will then be issues to the referred and referrer party. It is important to note this on your Refer a Friend disclaimer and email settings.
- The Refer a Friend related credit notes will now be issued via a different cron job, for ease of processing.
Bug Fixes
- The cron job has been fixed to include a date enabled setting for Cancellation Resets. This cron job prevents previous customer expiries (that were processed before the Cancellation module was released) from being reset from the specified date.
- It is vitally important that you read the full blog here in order to ensure that your HeroTill has been configured correctly and that users are aware of the new setting applied. Read the full blog here.
New Features
- Users now have the ability to disconnect all radius sessions on a specific NAS device.
- A new button has been added to the NAS list menu, allowing users (with the device_write permission) to bulk disconnect radius sessions across all linked NAS devices.
- A screen has been added to show Radius Disconnect Requests. This screen shows all disconnect requests done by both FreeRadius and HeroTill (and can by used to troubleshoot failed disconnect requests.)
- Read the full blog on the above mentioned items here.
- FreeRadius will now be able to disconnect ALL OpenServer radius sessions if configured correctly. Read the full blog here on the configuration requirements.