Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Included in this maintenance release are the following improvements and bug fixes:


• Added a Filter by Customer option to the Invoices Screen. This filter can also sort by All Customers, Suspended Customers, and Not Suspended Customers

• Blocked invoices belonging to suspended customers from being authorised. For an individual authorisation (suspended customer), a warning popup will appear confirming that the user wishes to authorise a suspended customer’s billing

• Created the ability to calculate and display savings on data accounts with custom pricing. This includes:

• Two fields have been added on Data Account under custom pricing tab: Standard Product Cost and Monthly saving
• On the invoice sent to the customer (pdf), these savings (words) will be added to the service description/line item
• Added the product code field to the pricing exceptions
• Display percentage saving on tax invoice only if custom pricing was applied to this account

• Added a check to the NetSuite receipt CSV import function to determine whether a push or pull of receipts was last done to avoid consecutive/multiple pushes being done without pulling information into HeroTill. For every push to Netsuite, a pull needs to be done into HeroTill before another CSV push can be done


• Restricted ability of normal users to delete tickets. Tickets can only be deleted/bulk deleted to System admin users (Admin users only permission setting)

• Fixed an error where disabling Freecdv checker caused bank and branch names to be saved incorrectly