Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Due to the recent introduction of the Cancellation module, a bug was picked up on the cron job. This bug did not take into account existing data from the old Expiry module. Thus, previously expired customers were being reset when their database variables did not meet the new Cancellation module requirements.

This bug has now been fixed and a migration has been run to include a new defualt setting under the Billing Setup. This setting is date enabled to specify from which date should customers be reset (that were previously marked for cancellation but never approved for cancellation) to active.

To check this setting, users can navigate to Billing > Billing Setup > Billing Setup again > under the Customer & Radius Account Cancellation Approval Settings menu > Automated Cancellation Reset Start Date – enter date here.

Once the cron job has run – any customers that were marked for cancellation but not approved PRIOR to the date applied in the setting above, will NOT be reset as active. They will remain in the expired state as is.

For any customers that have been marked for cancellation AFTER the date applied in the setting abov , but were not approved for cancellation WILL be reset to active. This can be seen under the audit trail (Tools > Audit Trail).