Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Customer ratings can be sent out in 4 ways:

  1. On completing a job card in lead to receipt. (This needs to be enabled in sales setup.)
  2. On closing a helpdesk ticket. (This needs to be enabled in helpdesk settings.)
  3. Customer can add a service rating at any time from their customer portal. (This can be enabled in sales setup.)
  4. An admin user of the system can request a service rating from a customer from the Edit Customer screen.

This post only looks at service ratings sent out on closure of helpdesk tickets.

Include service rating in “ticket has been closed” email:

Email sent to customer that notifies them that their helpdesk ticket has been closed. This email can include the service rating feature if it has been enabled.

helpdesk ticket closed with rating email


How to view ratings:

Go to Sales –> Sales Leads and click on Ratings.

Here you will be able to see and acknowledge ratings received from various sources.

rating status in workflow screen


How to enable the ticket service ratings:

Go to Setup –> System Settings  –> Helpdesk

Then turn the “Enable Ticket Service Ratings” on.

ticket service ratings