Mandy Carpenter No Comments

You will automatically get notifications if you are subscribed to “Helpdesk Notifications” in your user’s account settings.

Helpdesk notifications includes: when you are assigned to a helpdesk ticket and when the ticket gets updated.


To get update notifications even when you are not assigned to a ticket, you can follow a ticket.

Following tickets also helps if you want to quickly find a ticket in your ticket list.

The helpdesk ticket follower feature has been added in v1.21.09.

How to follow helpdesk tickets on the ticket list:

Go to Workflow –> Helpdesk Ticket List

Click on the bell icon button next to the View Ticket button to follow a ticket.


How to follow a helpdesk ticket that is opened:

You can also follow a ticket when you are viewing a ticket by clicking on the “Follow” button next to the “Assign” button.


You can view all ticket followers on a ticket on the right side when you view a specific ticket.

ticket followers


How to quickly find tickets you are following:

Go to Workflow –> Helpdesk Ticket List

Choose “Followed” in the following filter next to the user filter.

Now you will see all tickets you are following.

helpdesk ticket list filter


Ticket following notifications:

When you follow a ticket and the ticket gets updated, you will receive a notification about the changes and a link to the ticket.

Email subject: “A ticket you are following has been updated”