Release Video:
- Network Device Bulk Backups have been improved to link each backup file individually under the Network Devices – Backup tab (per device).
- The user can then download the backup file per device under the Network Devices menu.
- Improved the Cancellations module for LTE data products and customer accounts. There is now an LTE Cancellation Reason field added on the Customer edit menu and the Data Accounts menu.
- The Cancellation workflow will work as it did before, but it is important to note that if a customer is set to be cancelled; all linked data accounts will also be cancelled.
- If only the Data Account is set to cancel, the customer account will not be affected.
Bug fixes
- Fixed billing issue, invoices are all marked correctly according to their statuses such as Paid, Unpaid, Overdue and Partial.
- Fixed billing issue relating to Suspensions, which will now initiate notifications and suspension occurs according to dates per setup.
- Fixed billing cosmetic issue, document reference numbers now correctly display on invoice PDFs.
- Fixed billing related cosmetic issue on Accounts Workflow, all quick filter badges now display the correct total per list view.
Bug Fix
- Fixed API Voucher Generation issue, where some users received an error message stating “Your Account Has Expired” upon creating new vouchers.
New Features
- HeroTill has introduced DinoPass Integration for Customers and radius/data account passwords. DinoPass has an API that generates simple, sensible and easy to remember passwords.
- This setting can be enabled under the Setup > System Settings > System menu path.
New Feature
- Added data usage notifications for prepaid customers.
- This setting can be enabled under the Tools > Notifications menu.
- The user can then setup Usage Notification triggers as normal on the customer profile page.
Various minor bug fixes and cosmetic enhancements.