Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Author and Developer: JD Obeholster

The purpose of this guide is to introduce the LTE Cancellation Cut-off Date functionality.

IS currently bills its LTE services one month ahead. This means that there may be discrepancies depending on when your customers cancel their services. HeroTill has implemented a cutoff date mechanism to improve LTE cancellations on HeroTill.


  • The LTE module needs to be enabled on your HeroTill installation
  • The following permissions are required for you to see the menu as well as save the cutoff date settings (System Read and System Write)

In order to configure the LTE Cancellation Cut-off Date, Navigate to the Data Menu-> LTE Setup -> IS API Setup Menu.

Functionality Defaults:

  1. By default the functionality is disabled. As long as the functionality is disabled, the system will continue to function as it did previously with no control mechanisms in place.
  2. When enabled, the default cutoff date will be configured to the 15th of each month. This can be modified according to your policies.

Functionality Description and Examples:

When enabled you will be able to select a date for cut-off for LTE cancellation. This will ensure that when an LTE account is cancelled before this date in the month, no new recurring invoice will be generated for this service and the service will stop at the end of the current month.

If the client cancels after the cut-off date, the cancellation call to Internet solutions will only be sent on the first day of the following month to ensure that the client will have service until the end of the next month and the client will receive an invoice for the cancellation month.

  1. Notices
    1. Internet Solution (IS) pre bills their accounts.
      1. Eg. Service for July 2019 is paid for in June 2019
      2. Given the Cutoff Date is set to the 15th of each month
  2. LTE Cancellation Cutoff Examples:

Example 1 

If the customer cancels the LTE account on the 2019-06-08 (the 8th is prior to the cutoff date)

The Cancellation API call will be submitted to IS on 2019-06-08

The Last day recurring billing will runnable for this account is 2019-06-08

The Last day of service for the account will be 2019-06-30

The Account would have received his final invoice in the 5th month (May)

Example 2

If the customer cancels the LTE account on the 2019-06-16 (the 16th is after the cutoff date)

The Cancellation API call will be submitted to IS on 2019-07-01

The Last day recurring billing will runnable for this account is 2019-06-30

The Last day of service for the account will be 2019-07-31

The Account will receive his final invoice in the 6th month (June)

Example 3

If the customer cancels the LTE account on the 2019-07-07 (the 7th is prior the cutoff date)

The Cancellation API call will be submitted to IS on 2019-07-07

The Last day recurring billing will runnable for this account is 2019-07-07

The Last day of service for the account will be 2019-07-31

The Account would have received his final invoice in the 6th month (June)

Example 4

If the customer cancels the LTE account on the 2019-07-18 (the 18th is after the cutoff date)

The Cancellation API call will be submitted to IS on 2019-08-01

The Last day recurring billing will runnable for this account is 2019-07-31

The Last day of service for the account will be 2019-08-31

The Account will receive his final invoice in the 7th month (July)

Affected Domains in HeroTill

  1. Radius User (LTE User) Cancellation
  2. Customer Cancellation (A customer might have multiple LTE Accounts present)
  3. Radius User (LTE User) Account Restoration
  4. Customer Restoration  (A customer might have multiple LTE Accounts present)

On all of the 4 affected domains listed above and described below the rules defined in the examples given previously apply.

  1. Radius User (LTE User) Cancellation

Open up the relevant radius account to cancel

Enter a cancellation date and specify the appropriate cancellation reason.

If cancelled the relevant cancellation date will be visible on the accounts widget appear and the date for when the account service will end.

If cancelled in the future, a date will appear indicating when the cancellation will go through to IS as well as a date indicating when the service for the client will terminate.

  1. Customer Cancellation (A customer might have multiple LTE Accounts present)

When a LTE account is present on a customer, one will be able to supply a LTE cancellation reason. When a cancellation date and reason has been supplied, all LTE accounts will be cancelled on the date specified, with the same reasons supplied.

On Customer cancellation, relevant cancellation settings will be applied on accounts once the cancellation date has elapsed. See screenshot below.

  1. Radius User (LTE User) Account Restoration

If an account has already been scheduled for cancellation (a Cancellation Date has already been set for the account) and the date is being cleared. A prompt will appear to recover the LTE account. Please note an LTE account that has been deleted three months prior to recovery point will be unrecoverable.

After clicking save changes the save changes button, the system will immediately do a restore account call to Internet Solutions, the popup will remain open until the restore account call has been submitted and a suitable response has been received.

API Call:

  1. Customer Restoration  (A customer might have multiple LTE Accounts present)

When restoring a cancelled customer with LTE Accounts, click on the clear button.

A popup will appear asking the user to confirm IS account restoration.

After save changes has been clicked, the relevant accounts will be restored

Appendix – Additional Notes

  1. All Cancellation Execution happens in the HeroTill midnight routines. No cancellation logic happens during the day.
  2. The LTE module is a third party integration, all LTE accounts on HeroTill run through Internet Solutions as an integration.
  3. The Cancelled label is now available for all connection types, not only LTE. This will assist helpdesk and accounts staff with knowledge on account statuses

  1. LTE accounts who have been scheduled for cancellation will no longer be able to be suspended as well as suspension calls override cancellation API calls on IS side