Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Included in this maintenance release are the following bug fixes:


• Added additional security checks for deleted customers on billing document authorisation to ensure that documents cannot be authorised after a customer has been deleted


• Fixed an issue where a user was unable to delete categories if there were open (but deleted) tickets in this category by changing system logic to only prevent categories from being deleted if there are open/active tickets (ignoring open/deleted tickets)

• Fixed an error that did not alert a user when trying to delete a helpdesk category linked to other tickets

• Fixed an issue where the midnight cron caused suspension notices to get linked to cancellation tickets/notifications

• Fixed an issue where admin users could only select EFT on customers active in lead to receipt

• Fixed an issue where Debtors Enabled receipt matching updated customer suspensions regardless of checking/validating the module being enabled

• Fixed an issue where a customer quote pdf does not wrap neatly over two pages

• Fixed an error where the service contract incorrectly calculated and displayed the correct total

• Fixed an issue where lead contact number and email addresses did not pull through correctly from signup form

• Fixed an issue where statements were created on customers with no transactions