Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Included in this maintenance release are the following improvements and bug fixes:


• Added the option for new and existing customers (including the customer portal) to opt in for promotional material in the form of a Yes/No slider. This process is triggered from Create Customer, Sales Workflow and Digital Onboarding, and includes:

•  a Promotional Notifications Field to Edit Customers List (hidden by default)
• an added field to account details to reflect the customer’s decision
• The toggle can also be found on Edit Customer, Customer Portal, Add Customer
• This choice will also reflect in the audit trail

• Added a more descriptive cookie notification

• Improved the address lookup


• Fixed an issue where the filter on the non-data products screen, add/edit non-data product and view all data products showed product type exclusions set in the debtors module

• No-touch tickets are now assigned to Compliance