Included in this maintenance release are the following improvements and bug fixes:
• Improved address usability in sales leads and digital onboarding screens
Extended the monthly account recon functionality
• The recon (screen) now displays draft batches in comparison specifying the different statuses of each
• Added a warning symbol that indicates if any HeroTill batches are still in processing or in draft mode
• Added a Fix All button to fix batches based on their (comparative) status in Netsuite, group fix batches or individually
• The Fix it function shows sent notifications for each batch fixed. It either resets or updates the batch + recon screen accordingly
• Fixed an error on the Month-End V2 screen that did not display the confirm month-end completed on/by fields
• Fixed an issue where the import wizard for invoice and credit notes set the method of payment for certain customers to direct debit when it was not their chosen payment method. It now defaults to EFT
• Fixed an issue where a customer’s address changes when the GPS pin is moved. The location now remains fixed