Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Included in this feature release are the following updates, improvements and bug fixes:


• Added the ability to edit parameters for ACS managed devices

• Added the ability to delink and reboot an ACS managed device from HeroTill

• Added ability to apply previous parameter settings to a device

• Added the ability to add/edit templates for ACS managed devices

• Added a button to push and pull latest parameters to and from GenieACS

• Added the ability to import and validate ACS configurations, including parameters, templates, and nodes

UI And UX:

• Added a new menu header under Network Devices–>ACS Managed Devices to cater for the new functionality

• Added the ability to (call) GenieACS to Push (set) and Pull (get) parameter values for ACS managed devices in HeroTill Parameters can be pushed and pulled to and from GenieACS. This is done on the ACS Managed Devices Page

• Added a new menu under Network Devices–>ACS Managed Devices–>ACS Device Parameters screen where template parameters for ACS Network-managed devices can be viewed or set (NOC/GM Permissions On). Devices’ Parameters can be edited and copied

• Added a new menu item: Devices–>ACS Managed devices–>ACS Parameter nodes. Device parameter integration nodes are stored here which creates a view/translation of the different ACS Managed devices. Parameters can be added, edited, and cloned in this view

• Added a menu item: Devices–>ACS managed devices–>ACS device templates

• Added a page (Devices–>ACS Managed Devices–>ACS Managed device history) to display ACS managed devices history

• Added an audit trail for ACS managed devices. This can be viewed under Edit Customer and Tools–>Audit Trail

• Added a page (Devices–>ACS Manage Devices–>All ACS Devices) to centrally manage all devices

• Added a view (Devices–>ACS Managed Devices–>ACS Orphan Devices) to show orphaned devices in GENIEACS and HeroTill

• Added a page under Devices–>ACS Managed Devices–>ACS Integration Setup to capture ACS Integration configuration settings. This includes the Gateway address, port, Encryption key and IV

• Added the ability to order parameters within a template to display the order in which they were added

• Added an information icon next to each parameter which displays the parameter description as hover text

• Added a description box/field to the Edit ACS parameter nodes

• Added tooltips to ACS Managed Devices for a better user experience

Claim GenieACS Managed Devices On Customer Data:

• Added the ability to “Claim” managed devices from GeniesACS. In HeroTill this provides visibility on which network device (for example a high site), location and branch the device was claimed by

• Added the ability to search GenieACS for a device and to claim it against a data account for a customer

Authentication And Encryption Permissions:

• Added an API gateway to GenieACS for better authentication/encryption of data between HeroTill and GenieACS

• Added the ability to bulk reset passwords on ACS Managed Devices (ACS Managed Devices Page)

• Updated cron jobs to allow syncing of device parameters to GenieACS

• Updated helpdesk, NOC/ Device permission levels to cater for ACS

• Added a cancelled tag to ACS Managed devices to inform GENIEACS when a data account associated with it has been cancelled

• Migrated the API gateway to container (docker image) to store the gateway API files and to improve scalability and redundancy


• Updated the payment method in the digital onboarding process to always default to direct debit order

• Removed the EFT payment method from digital onboarding

• Fixed an issue where a helpdesk ticket for a sales lead was being assigned an incorrect category when it moved to quotes