Now You Can Generate A List Of Down Devices For Whatsapp From Within HeroTill
Where to get the text format that you can copy and paste to Whatsapp:
Go to Devices –> Downtime Summary –> Text Format
Copied and Pasted into Whatsapp:
To see the normal format of the downtime
Go to Devices –> Downtime Summary –> Normal Format
This montitors all devices added in HeroTill, and reports on these.
If the device or power monitor is not added to HeroTill, it will not appear in the list.
To see more on device monitoring in HeroTill, go to: /guides/device-monitoring/
Include Network Devices and Power Monitors in the “Device Downtime Summary”:
Every device and power monitor also now has a switch on the edit screen allowing you to exclude or include it from the monitoring page, should you wish to do so.
Make sure “Include in Monitoring” is enabled on power monitors:
Make sure “Include in Monitoring” is enabled on network devices: