Invoicing/ Billing Module 
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where in some cases deleting a document line on invoices, quotes or job-cards, did not update the total amount of the document.
- Fixed issue where an apostrophe in a label name prevented pages (using the label) from loading.
- Fixed intermittent issue where Sub Accounts belonging to a Master Account (where the Bill All to Master option was disabled), were not being invoiced.
- Improved the Billing setting to enable/disable downloading the Old Sage Pay Direct Debit Batch format. When enabled, the user will receive validation if the setup fields are not all filled in. It is important to note that the setting has been renamed to Sage Pay Download Old Debit Batch Format. The user will find the setting under Billing > Billing Setup > Billing Setup. See screenshot below.
- Improved the Overwrite Recurring Billing CSV file generation and import to be more secure. Read the full guide here on how to use the functionality.
- Improved the function that imports customers from SageOne into HeroTill, to prevent potential loss of data after the sync.
- Improved the FTP backup settings to allow for use of the external third party LFTP library. When the user navigates to Setup > System Settings > System Backups > under the FTP Settings | FTP Method, the user will now see the option “LFTP (Linux lftp client)” as an available option to choose from. All mandatory fields below this option must be filled in correctly, to ensure successful backups.
Data (Radius) 
- Added Validation to ensure that radius usernames do not include invalid Characters (‘ ; ” $ & % *).
- Improved Usage page to indicate which prepaid totals are being displayed. I.E. the current month only or active bundle period.
- Added CPE IP addresses to radius user accounts and widget.The new CPE IP address field is only used to record the client radio’s IP, where the PPP is done behind the radio on a router inside the client’s networkValidation is done to ensure a valid IP address is entered. A warning is displayed if the same IP has already been recorded on another data account.
- Added the ability to select a fixed IP from highsite list.
Radius accounts can now be allocated to a fixed IP address, either by entering the value in the field provided or by selecting an IP address from the list of available IP’s defined for a particular network device.
This is similar to the way IP addresses are allocated to IP Accounting based data accounts. Validation is done to ensure a valid IP address is entered. A warning will show if the same IP has already been used on another data account.
- Added Search by Date function on the “All Closed Radius Sessions” page.
- Added “MAC address” column to the “All Closed Radius Sessions” table.
- Added Validation setup menu for Device Monitoring on the LibreNMS Monitoring Setup fields.
- Improved Mikrotik backups to auto detect the FTP service port value on the mikrotik router. This will value will be when making an FTP connection to the router.
- Added a tab on the network devices. This flag will indicate whether that router should be used for voltage monitoring and determine the offset value to be used. Please read the full blog here.
- Improved SQL code to optimise general system performance.
- Improved the “Recent Changes” section that displays on helpdesk notifications.
When mentioning (tagging using the @ symbol) an admin user, following a ticket or when a ticket is escalated then an update notification is generated. These notifications contain a section called Recent Changes. The 5 most recent changes to the ticket will be listed here.
- Added the ability to delete your own public and admin only ticket notes.
Admin users can now delete their own admin and public notes made on helpdesk tickets. On public tickets, users can convert notes from public to admin and vice versa. The user can also undelete (restore) a deleted note and view changes to notes on the audit trail. It is important to note that only the owner of the note may convert, delete and undelete their notes.
On Admin tickets, the user cannot convert an admin note to public. However, the note can be deleted, endeleted and changes tracked on the audit trail per note.
- Improved the logic when a helpdesk notification should be sent for updates on tickets being followed.
- Added the ability to set custom text only signatures (for admin users) on helpdesk ticket replies. Note, this is auto inserted into the note section when responding on a ticket.
The admin user needs to navigate to the My Account section and click on the icon to launch the Application Settings.
Once the page loads, under the Application Settings section the user can enable the Helpdesk Customer Reply Signature. Once enabled, the user can enter the text only signature.
This will auto insert on every ticket note (public and admin), which the user can edit before sumbitting the note.
- Fixed intermittent issue where the helpdesk ticket list did not display for certain admin users.
Reports, List Views & Banners 
- Improved the Statistics report for Billing to include “Customer Cancellation Reason” column in User churn table.
- Improved the Statistics Report for Sales to include “lead source” column in the leads and leads lost tables.
- Added a notice/banner to display on all admin listing pages, when the Google Maps API key needs to be provided.
- Fixed issue where Reseller settings will no longer be removed unless the correct Reseller permissions are enabled for that user.
- Improved Reseller list view to include “Bill all to master” column. This was previously displayed as “Bill to Own”.
- Added “Current Billing Period” display header to the HeroTill menu. The user must have the Accounting Adjustment modify permission enabled.
- Improved the Recurring Billing Entries default filter on page load. It will now show Enabled records only and not All records.
- Improved the Customer Sub-account banner on the Customer Edit page to include the master account’s accounting code.It is also a clickable banner. It will now direct the user to the linked master account.
Mobile App 
- Fix issue where “admin only” helpdesk notifications were being sent to mobile devices logged in via non admin accounts.
- Added Release Notes splash screen on the mobile app on startup.
API Developer Related 
- Improved API documentation setup and page.
- Added a new API page to easily manage your own access tokens.
- Added API call to create a sales lead.
- Added API call to create a sales lead.
- Added API call to to create or modify a customer.
- Added API call to retrieve a list of available prepaid products for all or a specific hotspot.
- Added API call to allocate a new prepaid bundle to an existing radius user,
- Added API call to retrieve a list of available hotspot locations.
- Added API call to retrive a list data and non-data products via the API.
- Added API call to to create or modify a radius account.
- Added API to create a hotspot voucher.
- Added API to retrieve voucher usage details.
Hotfix 1
- Fixed issue where Product Type did not display after a successful import. This now works correctly.
- Fixed validation that occurred in error on the PortaBilling and VoIP Billing settings under the Billing menu – when enabling the SagePay Download Old Debit Batch Format settings.
- Fixed issue where the Reseller Module was required when creating new customers.
- Improved the Helpdesk Ticket List filters when filtering by Incl Unassigned In User’s Departments.
- Improved the new AI feature within HeroTill that manages SMS replies. This feature is call SMS Topup Message Intelligence. Users can now assign a default user where the relevant Helpdesk Tickets will get assigned too. Read more on the blog here.
Hotfix 2
- Improved the validation of the Bridged CPE IP Address field on Data Accounts to accommodate either an IP Address or a DNS name.
- Fixed invalid validation error when setting a value for Radius Interim Update Interval on Radius Settings. If the value entered is less than the value for Wireless Session Auto Dosconnect Timeout then the settings will now save without invalid errors.
- Updated the system logic to not strip illegal characters spaces from existing radius usernames. This logic will only be applied to new radius accounts.
- Fixed the Pre-Paid data allocation & Usage display to correspond accordingly on the HeroTill view and the Radius Table.
- Added the calling station MAC Address column when viewing the All Closed Radius Sessions report.
Hotfix 3
- Improved LFTP backup method for FTP Settings. This now includes an Advanced Mode.
- Fixed issue where Old Pre-Paid was not displaying when Extended Logging setting was enabled.
Hotfix 4
- Fixed issue where the suspension date listed on the Suspension Email was not matching the Suspension Date, within HeroTill.
- Added Multiple values for the Address fields, to the I.S LTE API. Previously the entire address was in the AddrStreet field. This has now been split into AddrStreet, AddrSuburb, AddrCity and AddrPostalCode.
- Fixed an issue where purchasing prepaid bundles with no expiry date, may not correctly allocate to customer.