Imel No Comments

HeroTill and VoIP Telephony Provider Support

Hi HeroTill users!

Just a quick update to give you some information on the South African VoIP providers and systems that we have tested HeroTill with. Before we continue however, we would like to assure you that HeroTill works with any SIP or IAX trunk provider. In order to account your telephony data, you will need:

  1. A SIP or IAX trunk
  2. The rate card from your provider. This is in order to work out cost prices. If you cannot obtain an exact rate card, you can still use the system but please ensure that your selling price is more than your cost price.

HeroTill has tested the following South African VoIP providers with our system:

  • Vox
  • Neotel
  • Connection Telecom
  • X-Connect

If you are a provider and you would like us to test your service with our system, please let us know.

Imel No Comments

What makes a Prepaid Customer different?

What makes a Prepaid customer different from a Normal Customer and Hotspot Users?

Prepaid Users have access to a Static username and password, from which, through the Client Portal.

They can purchase data on the fly with whichever Payment Gateway the HeroTill system has enabled.

Data is Hotspot Package based, which has an expiry date as set per hotspot package duration.

Generally Prepaid works as a Static Hotspot user.

There are 3 types of Customers for Data Use:

1) Hotspot – Fully ad-hoc Hotspot Splash Page User
2) Prepaid Customer – Static Username and password – Generally seen as Hotspot Splash Page User
3) Monthly User – Monthly User generally used for PPP
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