Mandy Carpenter No Comments

The difference between Capped and Fair Usage Throttle Notifications will be if the data package has been configured as an uncapped product or not.

The Fair Usage Throttle Notification only applies if the data package is configured as an uncapped product.

Go to Radius –> Data Packages –> Edit Product Button –> Switch Uncapped Product to “On”,

to be able to send the customer a fair usage throttle message instead once their soft cap has been reached.

uncapped product

Capped product notification once capped:
“Dear customer you have reached your allocated bandwidth limit, your account has been temporarily suspended. Please contact our call center to upgrade to a more suitable package or to add a topup.”

Uncapped product notification once soft capped/fair usage throttle:
“This account has automatically been switched to a speed reduced package. Once the account has been topped up it will auto revert back to the speed of the original package.”


The “Service once Capped” is the service that the customer will receive once they have reached their cap.