Mandy Carpenter No Comments

Google has introduced new pricing for their Google Maps Platform.



Webinar:  Google Maps API configuration


This means you will need to add your own Google Maps Platform API key in your HeroTill system setup to continue using Google Maps features on your HeroTill system.

Without your own API Key you will not be able to use any Google Map functionality in HeroTill.

(Please refer to the list of affected pages in HeroTill at the end of this post)

Previously all Google Maps functionality went through HeroTill Pty Ltd’s own account, but because of the price changes and new limits of the free usage tier, you will need your own Google Maps Platform API key.

You will get $200 in free usage for Maps, Routes, and Places every month from Google when you have your own Google Maps API key.


The Google Maps API Key field has been added and was introduced version 1.4.02 which was released on the 10/09/2018.

Some questions answered:

How do I get a Google Maps API key?

Follow the step by step guide on how to get yourself a Google Maps API key: How To Get Your Google Maps API Key

What is the difference between Google Maps API key and Google Places API Key?

  • Google Maps API key:

Google Maps is used to locate and store your customer’s location in HeroTill. This is used when signing a customer up, viewing a customer’s location, highsite and customer maps as well as the asset register.

To get your Google Maps API key follow this link:

  • Google Places API Key:

Google Places is used in HeroTill to validate an address when it is entered in a Sales lead. ie you can select an address from an auto-populated dropdown list when it is entered into a Sales lead.

To get your Google Places API key follow this link: 

Do you need two separate Keys? 

No, if your Google API key is compatible with Google Places, you will be able to use the same API Key for both.

Do you need Google Place enabled for Maps to work? 

No, Maps will work, however you will not be able to select an address from an auto-populated dropdown list when it is entered into a Sales lead.

What does Google Places add to your HeroTill? See blog: Google Places Autocomplete On Address Searches

How much does each API Key cost? 

You will get $200 in free usage for Maps, Routes, and Places every month from Google when you have your own Google Maps API key.

Please see Google’s breakdown on billing here

See Google Maps / Places pricing here:

(Old Google Maps Platform pricing:…)

List of affected pages

Sales enquiry by Customer:

Sales Lead submitted by sale agent:

Add / Edit Highsite:

Highsite Map:

Customers Map:

Edit Customer:

Customer GPS Location Widget:

Asset Location: