Mandy Carpenter No Comments

HeroTill has added a new monthly reporter for figures generated from the Lead to Receipt process. This report includes comprehensive dropdowns, graphs and data point summaries.

This report can be located by navigating to Reports > Statistics > Sales Lead Invoice Report.

It is important to note, that the report works on a monthly/ month to month basis. The Date Picker is specifically geared to allow the user to choose date ranges for the last 3 months, 6 months, 12 months and custom month to month ranges.

The Data Point summaries on the left, displays the number of data products linked by their commission categories.

When hovering over the graph information, the user is able to see trends in fugures as well as overall totals for the following:

  • Number of Paid Sales Invoices
  • Number of Sales Invoices
  • Non Recurring (revenue) total
  • Recurring Ex VAT total
  • Bandwidth Ex VAT total
  • Bandwidth Job Card Ex VAT total

This report also has a comprehensive dropdown, which allows the user the ability to expand (and collapse) the data to analyse the full break down of each figure per invoice.