Usage report notifications settings needs to be set up on each customer individually.
The usage report via email will show detailed graphs of the customer’s data usage.
Snippet of data usage report notification received via email:
To set this up, go to
Customers –> List Customer –> Edit Customer--> Notification Settings block
You can add the notification type settings to send a usage report via email or sms to the customer.
Trigger: Select a percentage of data usage. When the customer has reached this percentage of data usage, they will receive the usage report notification. The email gets sent to the email listed on the account details as well as additional email addresses that you add on the notification settings.
Email: Additional email address to send usage notifications to.
SMS: Additional cellphone number to send usage notifications to.
Daily Notification: Daily usage report notification. The email gets sent to the email listed on the account details as well as additional email addresses that you add on the notification settings.